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The International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Objects of Natural Heritage and Ecotourism’

August 18, 2014

On August 25-27, 2014  in Ulan-Ude and in the settlement of Gremyachinsk  (Republic of Buryatia) the International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Objects of Natural Heritage and Ecotourism’ will be held.
Organized by: Faculty of Geography of the Moscow State University named after M.Lomonosov; Biology and Geography Faculty of the Buryatia State University; Institute of Geography “Jovan  Zvijich’ under Serbian Academy of Sciences and Art; Institute of Geography named after V.Sochava under Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Baikal Institute of Nature Management under Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Lake Baikal Protection Fund and ‘Metropol Express’ Ltd.
The International Organizing Committee is headed by Chairman of the Board of the Lake Baikal Protection Fund Professor M.V.Slipenchuk.
Also members of the Organizing Committee are:
- RAS academician S.Kasimov
- Corresponding member of RAS A.Tulokhonov 
- Professor V.Plyusnin  from the Institute of Geography named after V.Sochava
- E.Elayev (Buryatia State University)
- E.Garmayev (Baikal Institute of Nature Management 
- М. Radovanovich (Радованович (Institute of Geography, Serbia)
- J. Achtman (Polytechnical Institute of Losanne, Switzerland).
The aims of the Conference are:
- Scientific information exchange
- Discussion on practical issues of natural heritage preservation and ecological tourism development
- To draw scientists, post-graduates and all who may be interested to solving acute tasks that stand before modern science and society – for obtaining deeper scientific research  and working out practical recommendations