Moderator of the meeting was Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Nature Management and Ecology Mikhail V. Slipenchuk.
Before the event started the Head of Buryatia Republic Vyacheslav V. Nagovitsyn said: ‘We shall be looking for a compromise variant between preserving ecology and developing economics of the Baikal regions. We’ll be considering problems of ecology, possibly ecological legislation will be tightened. Because our main task is to preserve lake Baikal and its natural purity. But we are well aware of the fact that on the shores of the lake live no less than 4 mln people, and they do need proper conditions for work and living – and these conditions are to be provided by the economics of these regions.’
The speakers came to the conclusion that after the plenary meeting there would be possible to summarize the intermediate results, despite the fact the Forum’s program envisages continuation of its work at Baikal.
Mikhail V. Slipenchuk told the journalists and the participants one of the Forum’s main achievements: ‘The heads of the three subjects of Baikal region made a decision – starting from the next year Forum will become an annual event and will be held in turn in different territories. So we can say that from the Third Forum our Baikal region is beginning a new life! ‘
Protocol on joint work on the Baikal region development was signed by Head of Buryatia Republic Vyacheslav V.Nagovitsyn. Governor of Zabaikalsky Kray Konstantin K.Ilkovsky and first deputy Chairman of the Irkutskaya Oblast Government Nikolay V. Slobodchikov.
In future there will be worked out a program on ‘Social and Economic Development of Baikal Region’ with the aim of its conclusion into the Federal Target Program ‘Economic and Social Development of the Far East and Baikal region.’
The governor of Zabaikalsky region Konstantin K.Ilkovsky expressed his opinion of the event: ‘ We are talking here openly that we should stand together. Although the program for the Far East and Baikal Kray development exists but in practice we are all apart. Here we agreed to sign an accord, a mutual communique, we agreed that there should be joint, co-ordinated work of the State Duma and Federation Council members from our territories. And of course this refers to the heads of the three subjects as well.’
Ex-senator of the Japanese parliament Sukagava Kendzi welcomed ‘Baikal Dialogue’ Forum participants. He read the welcoming letter from the deputy of the Chamber of Representatives of the Japanese parliament Komura Masakhiko, where the gratitude for invitation to the Forum was expressed of the Japanese-Russian Parliamentary Associaion members.
Two more important events took place at the Forum’s plenary
meeting: an agreement was signed with Japanese company MHIEC
(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Environment & Chemical Engineering
Co., LTD.) and Austrian ALBA Group. The Japanese side
presented unique modern technologies on waste utilization. The
Austrian company is known for its technology of automated waste
sorting. Russian company that will be dealing with modern waste
processing technologies - Metropol Group.
From the Japanese side the agreement was signed by MHIEC president Doi Toru, from Austrian – representative of the ALBA Group Franz Sauseng, from Russian – Director General of Metropol Group Bair D. Tsyrenov.
Plenary meeting devoted to the prospects of
Baikal region economic development attracted a huge audience. Among
the speakers one can name: aide to the Plenipotentiary RF President
representative in the Syberian Federal District V. Popov;
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the RF in Mongolia
Iskander Azizov; deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on
Natural Resources, Nature Management and Ecology A.Vasilenko;
Federation Council member Arnold K.Tulokhonov; Buryatia Republic
Minister of Economics Tatyana G. Dumnova; Member of the State Duma
Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs S. Poddubny;
Director General of the International Center for Regions’
Development Ltd. Igor Melamed and many others.
Further events of the Forum program will take place on lake
Aide to the Plenipotentiary RF President representative in the Syberian Federal District V. Popov, State Duma Deputy Mikhail V. Slipenchuk, Head of the Buryatia Republic Vyacheslav V. Nagovitsyn
Plenary Meeting
Signing the protocol by Zabaikalsky Kray Governor Konstantin K.Ilkovsky, Head of the Buryatia Republic Vyacheslav V. Nagovitsyn and first deputy Chairman of Irkutsksya Oblast Government Nikolay Slobodchikov
Signing the agreement between Metropol Group (Russia) and Japanese company MHIEC (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Environment & Chemical Engineering Co., LTD.)
Signing the agreement between Metropol Group (Russia) and Austrian ALBA Group