On August 25th, 2014 the International scientific and practical conference “Geoheritage and eco-tourism” opened in Gremyachinsk settlement (Republic of Buryatia). It was organized by Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Biology and Geography Faculty of the Buryatia University, Institute of Geography ‘Jovan Zviych’ under Serbian Academy of Sciences and Art, Institute of Geography named after V.Sochava, Siberian Department of RAS, Baikal Institute of Nature Management under Siberian Department of RAS and with the support of METROPOL Group and Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal.
The main aim of the conference that gathered more than 50 participants is an exchange of scientific information, practically important discussion of acute problems of natural heritage preservation and ecological tourism development; to engage scientist, post-graduates and all interested parties in the process of solving vital tasks that stand today before modern science and society – to increase the level of scientific research and practical recommendation’ working out.
At the day of the Conference opening the plenary meeting was held where in particular Chairman of the FPLB Board of Trustees, head of the Department of rational nature management of the Faculty of Geography at the Lomonosov Moscow State University professor Mikhail Slipenchuk made a report. Also reports were made by the members of the Scientific Council of the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal V.Plyusnin and doctor Ye.Garmayev. Y. Akhtman (Switzerland), a participant of the International scientific expedition “TransEurasian Flight: Leman-Baikal” spoke on “Methodology for Environment Research using ultra light aircrafts”.
On the second day of the conference three round table discussions are to be held where issues of the natural reserves’ functioning will be discussed along with the issues of Lake Baikal and Baikal region modern research, prospects for ecological tourism development.