Third working day of the International Forum ‘Baikal Dialogue’ started at the shore of lake Baikal in Gremyachinsk settlement. The program of the day began from the opening of the photo exhibition ‘Baikal. 02 and H20’, which was welcomed by the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Nature Management and Ecology Mikhail V.Slipenchuk. At the opening of the exhibition were present Buryatia Republic Head Vyacheslav V. Nagovytsyn and Zabaikalsky Kray Governor Konstantin K. Ilkovsky.
Round Table Discussion ‘Ecology and Economics: Modern Problems of Interaction’ was moderated by Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Nature Management and Ecology; Lake Baikal Protection Fund Chairman of the Board Mikhail V. Slipenchuk.
At the meeting the topic of utilization and processing of solid domestic and industry waste was discussed.
Deputy minister for natural resources of Buryatia Republic A. Lbov told the gathering that despite the fact that the number of dumps in the region diminished, the issue of waste utilization is still quite urgent for the republic: ‘the volume of domestic waste in Buryatia is now 600-700 000 tons. The garbage influences negatively the environment. Add to the fact that the major part of the republic’s territory is within the nature reserve of lake Baikal’.
M.V. Slipenchuk pointed out that ecologically safe and energy saving modern technology is urgently needed in this regard. ‘The State Duma has accepted in first reading law on industry solid waste procession. We in Russia express hope that a new branch of industry will be introduced here – waste procession’, - the deputy said.
At the round table discussion the vice-speaker of the Mongolian Great Khural L.Tzog took the floor. He told the audience how the ecology is preserved in Mongolia.
Head of the Department of relations with Russia and CIS countries of Mitsubishi Co Ltd. Arai Tosikadzu presented the way Mitsubish technology waste processing plant is working.
In the course of the presentation he disclosed the company’s position: it is not possible to bury waste without its processing because rains can wash out toxic substances into the soil.
In Japan, the speaker told, s imple buring of the waste is considered as not only the source of environment contamination but as an out-of-date technology. Most modern ‘know-how’ regarding waste sorting were presented by General Manager of the Austrian ALBA Group Franz Sauseng.
In the frawework of the round table discussion a section was held devoted to the problems of transport: ‘Realization of complex transport projects within the framework of the social and economic development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation.’ The report was delivered by Director of the Programs Development Department at the RF Ministry of Transport A. Semenov. He told about the prospects of the Northern Marine Way development. He pointed out that attractiveness of the NMW is based on the point that the route is the shortest marine way that connects Europe with the Far East region.
In his report Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Nature Management and Ecology Mikhail V. Slipenchuk spoke about the realization of large-scale projects of Northern Marine Way development using the mechanism of state and private partnership.